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FOS says check for flood cover

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) has warned consumers they may not be covered for flood damage to their home and contents.

Its advisory note follows confusion about what water damage is and isn’t covered under different policies. And it advises consumers that some policies cover “rain” but not “flood” damage.

Pointing out that there is no standard definition of flood damage, FOS says flood damage caused by rainwater is sometimes included in the policy definition “but other forms of floodwater are excluded”.

It also highlights the difficulties that can occur in determining what a policy covers when both flood and storm waters cause damage, and warns that the insured is responsible for proving the damage sustained was covered under their policy.

Where insurers fail to “clearly inform” customers about a flood cover exclusion, an appeal can be lodged against a claim rejection. But generally the responsibility rests with the consumer to be fully aware of the cover they buy and make sure it is appropriate.