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Australia Post to sell travel insurance

05 December 2011

Australia Post will next year offer travel insurance at post offices, with a product underwritten by Munich Re subsidiary Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK)…

Ombudsman outlines common flood complaints

05 December 2011

Common complaints to the Financial Ombudsman Service over flood insurance claims concern whether consumers have been clearly informed of their coverage, policy exclusions and definitions and hydrology reports…

Queensland floods blow the Budget

05 December 2011

Last summer’s Queensland floods have added to the Federal Government’s financial woes and made the chances of staying on course for a surplus much harder…

NZ launches stolen cars database

05 December 2011

The New Zealand Police Department has launched a database providing a list of all stolen vehicles for the past six months…

Joyriding car theft on the decline

28 November 2011

Motor vehicle theft has fallen by a staggering 60% in the past 10 years as technology and socio-economic changes have cut the allure of joyriding and car laundering…

Residents demand independent advocate

28 November 2011

Desperate property-owners in earthquake-ravaged Christchurch are calling for an independent advocate to help them deal with insurance companies and the Earthquake Commission…

Moody’s to update rating process

28 November 2011

Moody’s has produced a paper on how it will update its global rating methodology of insurance brokers and service companies…

Flood cover review chief sees cost as next big issue

21 November 2011

Affordability is the major issue facing flood insurance following the Federal Government’s swift response to the Natural Disaster Insurance Review report, the review’s chairman says…

Christchurch rebuild: Community engagement important

21 November 2011

Insurers are an important part of the rebuild of Christchurch and need to communicate what they are doing so the public can understand the process, an Insurance Council of New Zealand seminar…