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Choice rates car insurers

12 March 2012

An ever-expanding market of car insurers is giving consumers more options in cover and price but also making it harder for them to select from an “abundance of choice”, according to consumer organisation Choice…

Industry profit falls in December quarter

05 March 2012

The general insurance industry collectively earned after-tax profit of $639 million in the December 2011 quarter, down from $1.1 billion in the December 2010 quarter, according to the latest statistics…

Insurance Council to step up communication

27 February 2012

The Insurance Council of Australia will be more active in promoting the role of insurance to politicians and the public, after acknowledging the industry’s reputation suffered during last year’s disasters…

ASIC to scrutinise insurers’ sales methods

27 February 2012

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission will be looking closely at how insurance is sold to consumers, and pressing for stronger penalties for breaches, Commissioner Peter Kell…

Unlikeable insurers still trustworthy

27 February 2012

Consumers don’t like insurance companies, but they do trust them and are satisfied with their service, according to new research…

Updated code adds new deadlines for insurers

20 February 2012

The board of the Insurance Council of Australia has approved revisions to the General Insurance Code of Practice, following the political flak it copped over claims handling during last year’s catastrophes…

Insurers differ on claims over Air Australia collapse

20 February 2012

The number of airline passengers stranded without insurance cover after the collapse of Air Australia isn’t yet known, with some travel insurers not providing financial default cover for the airline’s…

Wellington earthquake would cost $NZ37 billion

20 February 2012

Wellington residents have been told they need to focus on earthquake resilience over the next decade, with a major earthquake estimated to cost around $NZ37 billion ($29 billion)…

In Insurance News (the magazine):

20 February 2012

For some insurers the catastrophes of 2011 have become the disasters of 2012, with investors demonstrating their disappointment…