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NZ insurers expect to pay $NZ20 billion

02 April 2012

New Zealand insurers expect to pay out more than $NZ5 billion ($3.9 billion) in earthquake claims this year and more than $NZ15 billion ($11.7 billion) next year…

Downward trend of car theft figures stalls

02 April 2012

The decade-long downward trend in motor vehicle thefts has stalled, with all but one state experiencing an increase in the number of thefts of passenger and light commercial vehicles during the last quarter of 2011…

Investors pushing for bigger premium hikes

26 March 2012

Insurance investors believe premium rates must rise further to reflect the increasing costs of doing business and higher levels of risk in the sector…

Disasters alter business leaders’ perceptions

26 March 2012

Business leaders’ concerns about external risks have overtaken inward-looking corporate risk for the first time in the 10-year history of the Aon Australasian Risk Survey…

Flood class action faces ‘significant hurdles’

19 March 2012

A potential class action against Queensland Government-owned utility Seqwater is premature and would face “significant hurdles” getting off the ground, law firm Slater & Gordon has warned…

Australia to see more droughts and flooding rain

19 March 2012

The climatic extremes experienced recently in Australia are expected to continue, a new study of long-term climate trends by the CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology has warned…

Code compliance steady despite catastrophes

12 March 2012

Insurers’ compliance with the General Insurance Code of Practice for the 2010/11 financial year was not affected by the immense pressure put on them during last year’s natural disasters…