ICA criticises flood mitigation funding
14 May 2012
The Federal Budget has left flood-prone communities exposed by not providing enough for mitigation infrastructure in last week’s Budget, the Insurance Council of Australia says…
14 May 2012
The Federal Budget has left flood-prone communities exposed by not providing enough for mitigation infrastructure in last week’s Budget, the Insurance Council of Australia says…
14 May 2012
It’s back to New Zealand for an appeal against the Bridgecorp directors’ and officers’ decision after the Centro shareholder class action was settled last week without resolving the question of D&O…
14 May 2012
The cost of insuring a home in New Zealand has increased by 40% this year and contents cover has risen more than 10%, according to Statistics New Zealand…
14 May 2012
An Australian catastrophe insurance-linked securities fund has attracted an initial $30 million investment from NGS Super…
14 May 2012
Rural businesses that use a broker will gain much better cover, yet often believe they are too small or can’t afford to use a broker…
14 May 2012
The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council has called on Australian manufacturers to lift their game in fitting vehicle identification technology…
14 May 2012
The Victorian Court of Appeal has dismissed a legal challenge by Powercor over the 2009 Horsham Black Saturday bushfire…
07 May 2012
Suncorp has withdrawn from writing new cover in parts of Queensland following last year’s floods, with Personal Insurance CEO Mark Milliner telling governments to get moving on disaster mitigation…
07 May 2012
Insurers will contribute $641.9 million to Victoria’s fire services levy this financial year, an 18% increase…
07 May 2012
A Brisbane brokerage has been ordered to pay more than $2.7 million over a rejected claim…
07 May 2012
Insurance lawyer Ian Enright will chair the forthcoming independent review of the General Insurance Code of Practice…
07 May 2012
Insurers need to work their investment portfolios harder as they face greater pressure to deliver profits…
07 May 2012
Severe weather events have a bigger impact on Australian businesses than on those in other parts of the world, a new survey has revealed…
07 May 2012
Health ministers have met to discuss a plan to insure private midwives who assist in low-risk home births…
07 May 2012
A tsunami warning system will be installed this month along the coast near Christchurch, with 22 sirens scheduled to operate from July 1…
30 April 2012
Victoria’s fire services levy on insurance premiums is rising again, with reports the State Government has abandoned a transition period under which the FSL would be dropped in favour of a…
30 April 2012
Governments should not subsidise premiums for household or business property insurance as this would hinder effective adaptation to climate change, the Productivity Commission warns…
30 April 2012
French trade credit insurer Coface has downgraded its ratings for Australia and New Zealand…
30 April 2012
The Association for Co-operative Operations Research and Development has released an Australia standard for review…
30 April 2012
The New Zealand Insurance and Savings Ombudsman is investigating complaints about offers made by insurers to some customers in the Canterbury “red zone”, but admits the row over repairs and…