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NZ disaster insurance ‘needs clarity, consistency’

04 March 2013

New Zealand’s natural disaster insurance model is flawed because it requires the Government and insurers to continually fund and resource operations designed for rare events, according to Vero NZ CEO Gary Dransfield…

NZ rate rises begin to ease

04 March 2013

New Zealand rates are starting to stabilise and large clients with good risk profiles are seeing premium reductions…

Farmers must carry acid risk

04 March 2013

Farmers and oyster growers who suffer damage from acidic water that has flowed from flooded swamps into the Manning River in northern NSW are unlikely to receive insurance payouts…

Shop around, Choice says

04 March 2013

Motorists are lazy and tend not to shop around for the cheapest car insurance, according to consumer group Choice…

NSW vows to act on Australia’s biggest flood risk

25 February 2013

Flood mitigation for the at-risk Hawkesbury-Nepean region of western Sydney is finally at the top of the political agenda, with the NSW Government and the Federal Opposition vowing to take action…

Experts advise insured Bundaberg flood victims

25 February 2013

Insurers “appear slower to respond” to claims from the Bundaberg floods than they were after the Brisbane catastrophe of 2011, according to Legal Aid Queensland civil justice lawyer Paul Holmes…

Suncorp and IAG earn analysts’ nod

25 February 2013

Analysts poring over profit announcements from Australia’s two leading local insurers have found cause for optimism, with most displaying new enthusiasm for Suncorp…

Small business premium funding decision delayed

25 February 2013

Premium funders and the National Insurance Brokers Association will continue to resist moves to extend consumer credit laws to small business, after the Federal Government deferred its decision on the matter…

Insurers’ quake payouts top $NZ6.7 billion

25 February 2013

Insurers have paid more than $NZ6.7 billion ($5.4 billion) on Canterbury earthquake claims, with the task of apportioning damage between the Earthquake Commission (EQC) and private insurers due to be…

NZ marine losses top $115m over six years

25 February 2013

New Zealand marine insurers paid $NZ140.57 million ($115.1 million) on major claims from 2005 to 2011, including $NZ17.7 million ($14.5 million) for cargo losses from the September 2010 Christchurch…