Canterbury insurers pay $NZ11 billion
07 April 2014
Insurance companies have broken the $NZ11 billion ($10.19 billion) barrier in payouts to victims of the Canterbury earthquakes…
07 April 2014
Insurance companies have broken the $NZ11 billion ($10.19 billion) barrier in payouts to victims of the Canterbury earthquakes…
07 April 2014
Insurance brokers have an image problem that dates back almost 30 years, according to Roy Morgan Research’s latest study of consumer perceptions on ethics and honesty…
07 April 2014
The Australian Building Codes Board has launched a discussion paper on properties’ resilience to extreme weather events…
07 April 2014
New Zealand’s general insurers could be set for an underwriting-led improvement in profits as they recover from the Christchurch earthquakes, according to a report by AM Best…
07 April 2014
The National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council has launched three new strategies to deal with the problem of car theft after keys are stolen from inside homes…
07 April 2014
Drivers should be on their guard against scammers posing as insurance representatives, the Insurance Council of Australia has warned…
31 March 2014
Governments that allow high-risk property developments are putting communities at risk and pushing up insurers’ costs, Suncorp Personal Insurance CEO Mark Milliner warns…
31 March 2014
A High Court challenge over access to directors’ and officers’ liability nsurance may not happen, with the Great Southern shareholder class action likely to end in a settlement…
31 March 2014
Insurers convinced of the need to direct more of their marketing online may be missing the mark with consumers who are more attuned to television adverts and personalised mail…
31 March 2014
Some commercial policyholders will receive refunds “in the thousands of dollars” following over-collection of the Victorian fire services levy in its final year…
31 March 2014
Insurance for priests could be a “very useful development”, Cardinal George Pell told the royal commission on child sexual abuse last week…
31 March 2014
AAMI has announced funding for research into distracted driving, which is on the rise among young people…
24 March 2014
The Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience & Safer Communities has commissioned a report on natural hazard data and the need for a national research plan…
24 March 2014
Governments should ensure regulations encourage insurers to make long-term investments that can aid economic growth, according to the Global Federation of Insurance Associations…
24 March 2014
A Melbourne legal firm has appealed for victims of the recent Kilmore fire north of the city to come forward as it looks to build a class action…
24 March 2014
Queensland’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry will this month survey members on the impact of higher insurance costs…
24 March 2014
New Zealand’s move to sum-insured from total-replacement cover last year has raised fears many homeowners could be underinsured…
24 March 2014
A rise in prosecutions for workplace bullying could create a spike in workers’ compensation claims, Suncorp Commercial Insurance warns…
24 March 2014
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s demand that insurers carry enough capital to cover a one-in-1000-year event will further increase the cost of insurance, according to…
24 March 2014
Canterbury residents rate dealing with the Earthquake Commission and insurers as their main source of stress…