Australian insurers outperform peers
07 July 2014
Premium growth in Australia outstripped major insurance markets during and after the global financial crisis, a new report shows…
07 July 2014
Premium growth in Australia outstripped major insurance markets during and after the global financial crisis, a new report shows…
07 July 2014
New Zealand homeowners have a strong understanding of sum-insured policies after education campaigns on the switch from replacement cover, a survey shows…
30 June 2014
The Insurance Council of Australia has called for an end to state and territory governments’ underwriting of statutory insurance such as workers’ compensation…
30 June 2014
Suncorp and Allianz have declared their interest in entering SA’s compulsory third party motor vehicle market, which is to be opened to private insurers…
30 June 2014
The Federal Government will have to pay the costs of an oil spill in Antarctica after the High Court refused to allow an appeal against a decision favouring Vero…
30 June 2014
Insurers wrote $3.04 billion of professional indemnity and public and product liability premiums last year, down 3.8% on 2012…
30 June 2014
Suncorp has called on states to introduce government-underwritten no-fault catastrophic injury schemes…
30 June 2014
The Insurance Council of Australia will launch its revised General Insurance Code of Practice tomorrow, which will take effect from July 1 next year…
30 June 2014
The Insurance Law Service has won a stay of execution after securing funding from the federal Attorney-General’s office…
30 June 2014
About 98% of businesses in the financial and insurance services sector have internet access, according to Australian Bureau of Statistics data from 2011/12…
30 June 2014
Small businesses like pharmacies don’t always appreciate the dangers of staff fraud, according to Guild Insurance…
23 June 2014
Australia should set up a national risk register that includes plans for managing climate-related disasters, the Committee for the Economic Development of Australia…
23 June 2014
More than half of SMEs say insurance and workers’ compensation costs have increased noticeably in the past year, a new survey shows…
23 June 2014
Researchers backed by international insurer Catlin have examined damage to the Great Barrier Reef following Tropical Cyclone Ita in April…
23 June 2014
Australia has experienced almost three times as many tsunamis as previously thought, according to a University of New South Wales study…
23 June 2014
Defence personnel faced “unacceptable risk” as shrapnel exploded near them during a botched training exercise that caused the State Mine fire last year, according to an inquiry report…
23 June 2014
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has bought reinsurance cover worth $NZ4.5 billion ($4.17 billion), increasing its protection due to lower global reinsurance prices…
16 June 2014
General insurers’ and reinsurers’ annual profits totalled $5.16 billion last year, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority company-level figures show…
16 June 2014
Brokers are developing strategies to combat body corporate managers who take insurance business from them…
16 June 2014
Climate change could cause the weather event behind many of Australia’s worst bushfires to almost triple in frequency, according to a report from the CSIRO…