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Cormann looks to ease consumer fears on UFIs

03 November 2014

North Queensland residents who buy insurance through unauthorised foreign insurers (UFI) will be protected by their broker’s involvement, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann says…

Snowball questions north Queensland initiatives

03 November 2014

Suncorp CEO Patrick Snowball is “not convinced” the Federal Government’s plans to bring down home and contents premiums in north Queensland will work and he has called for mitigation measures instead…

FOS forces full payouts on vehicle write-offs

03 November 2014

Insurers have reimbursed customers about $290,000 after a Financial Ombudsman Service review found inadequate payments were made for vehicles written off in accidents…

Policy institute joins in disaster mitigation calls

03 November 2014

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute has called for greater disaster resilience and mitigation planning, echoing recent recommendations from insurers, the Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience & Safer Communities and the Productivity Commission…

Prepare for a faster FOS, industry told

03 November 2014

Insurers and brokers will soon face pressure to deal with customer disputes faster as the Financial Ombudsman Service clears its backlog…

Quake risk still hangs over Newcastle

03 November 2014

Another earthquake as strong as one that killed 13 people in 1989 could hit Newcastle, according to catastrophe modeller Risk Frontiers…

Kidnap risk on the rise, warns Catlin

03 November 2014

Australian companies face a heightened risk of staff being kidnapped while working overseas, according to Catlin Australia Specialty Underwriter Des Partridge…

New technology ‘creates regulatory challenge’

03 November 2014

The speed of change and advent of new media create more opportunities to provide information but there are also traps for consumers and a regulatory challenge, the Financial Ombudsman Service conference heard last week…

Date set for Charles Pratten retrial

03 November 2014

Rural & General Insurance founder Charles Pratten was last week granted a court date for his retrial on offences relating to obtaining a financial advantage by deception…

Brokers urged to alert SMEs to reputation risks

03 November 2014

Brokers should be warning their SME clients that smaller companies are now as susceptible as large companies to reputational risk due to the rise of the internet, according to insurer Catlin…

ICA holds last-minute talks on key facts sheets

27 October 2014

The Insurance Council of Australia is still liaising with the Federal Government on key fact sheets, which must be provided to home and contents policyholders from November 9…

Government launches travel insurance guide

27 October 2014

The Federal Government and consumer group Choice have released a guide to travel insurance that emphasises the importance of obtaining appropriate cover before heading overseas…

ICA backs smash repairers in information fight

27 October 2014

The Insurance Council of Australia has backed independent smash repairers’ right to technical information, as the issue descends into a motor industry war of words…