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FSL monitor offers amnesty to Victorian brokers

06 October 2014

Victoria’s Fire Services Levy Monitor Allan Fels will give brokers a month’s amnesty to ensure they have not applied the charge following its abolition on July 1 last year…

Car theft rates fall further

06 October 2014

The number of motor vehicle thefts nationwide has fallen to its lowest level since the 1970s, according to a new report…

EQC prepares for Canterbury wind-down

06 October 2014

The New Zealand Earthquake Commission has called for a more consistent, coherent and co-ordinated approach to managing natural hazard risk…

Insurer profit rises despite growing competition

29 September 2014

Australian insurance profits grew 8.3% last financial year to a post-global financial crisis record of $4.96 billion amid escalating competitive pressures, according to KPMG…

HIH liquidations edge closer

29 September 2014

Companies in the collapsed HIH group continue to pay out to creditors and are now closed to new claims…

FOS expands role on small business cover

29 September 2014

The Financial Ombudsman Service will widen its small business insurance responsibilities after its board supported most changes proposed in a terms of reference review…

Motor insurance revenues to rise

29 September 2014

Rising vehicle numbers will help drive Australian commercial motor insurance revenues to about $4 billion in the next five years, according to a report by Ibisworld…

NZ insurance complaints up

29 September 2014

A total of 188 general insurance complaints were lodged with the New Zealand Insurance and Savings Ombudsman in the year to June 30, up from 167 the previous year…

Insurers pay out on Bridgecorp

22 September 2014

The failure of New Zealand financier Bridgecorp continues to cost insurers, although a group of Lloyd’s underwriters has won a rare legal victory by arguing their dispute with the…

Broker chiefs predict big challenges ahead

22 September 2014

Companies that invest now to own and control the insurance distribution channels of the future will be the market’s winners, Arthur J Gallagher Australasia CEO Andrew Godden says…

Consultant to conduct ARPC review

22 September 2014

Treasury has appointed external consultant Pottinger to help weigh up the future of the Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation…

Climate group forecasts more coastal floods

22 September 2014

The flood threat to Sydney is already three times greater than a century ago, and it will triple with every 10cm the sea level rises, according to a report from the Climate Council…