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Life Insurance

TAL Risk Academy tops up offering

05 February 2018

The TAL Risk Academy is offering 16 new courses this year, plus a new online learning management system to help advisers create more personalised programs…

Super tribunal welcomes funding to finish job

05 February 2018

About $9.5 million has been allocated to the Superannuation Complaints Tribunal to help it resolve a backlog of disputes by June 30 2020, when it will cease operations…

Challenger leads industry on profits

29 January 2018

Life insurers made an after-tax net profit of about $2.38 billion last year, with Challenger Life the runaway leader on $445 million, according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s institution-level statistics…

Kogan adds life to insurance offerings

29 January 2018

Listed online retailer will start selling life and funeral insurance after striking an agreement with Greenstone Financial Services, a distributor and administrator of life policies…

Phone dominates life sales despite drop-off

29 January 2018

The phone still rules when it comes to buying life insurance, even as online sales record the fastest growth among channels, according to a Roy Morgan survey…

CommInsure penalised over trauma cover confusion

29 January 2018

CommInsure will pay $300,000 to a consumer advice service and have its advertising sign-off process independently reviewed after an Australian Securities and Investments Commission investigation…

Ex-Commonwealth adviser banned

29 January 2018

A former Commonwealth Financial Planning adviser who left clients without insurance after they switched products has been banned for five years…

Voluntary super code draws fire

29 January 2018

A voluntary code of practice for providing insurance within superannuation has come under fire for lacking teeth and rejecting stronger reforms…

ASIC acts over planners’ advice failings

29 January 2018

Queensland’s Breakaway Finance Group will cancel its financial services licence under an enforceable undertaking to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, as the regulator continues to crack down on planners…

Advisers warned over death nomination process

29 January 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says financial advisers are cutting corners when witnessing signatures for superannuation death benefit nomination forms…

Regulator takes Financial Circle to court

29 January 2018

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has started Federal Court action against Melbourne-based Financial Circle over its advice and tactics…

Research explores automated underwriting

29 January 2018

ANZ Wealth is collaborating with the Advanced Analytics Institute at the University of Technology Sydney to explore opportunities for artificial intelligence to improve the life insurance underwriting process…

FPA welcomes clarity on education

29 January 2018

An announcement by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority on mandatory education pathways for current financial planners has been welcomed by the Financial Planning Association of Australia…