CBA completes Sovereign sale to AIA
09 July 2018
Commonwealth Bank has completed the sale of its wholly owned New Zealand insurer Sovereign to AIA Group for $1.27 billion…
09 July 2018
Commonwealth Bank has completed the sale of its wholly owned New Zealand insurer Sovereign to AIA Group for $1.27 billion…
09 July 2018
MLC Life has appointed Mick Jones as Head of Underwriting…
02 July 2018
Life insurers’ product risk has been undermined by the continued poor performance in income protection, according to S&P Global Ratings’ annual sector outlook report…
02 July 2018
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has begun a civil action against AMP Financial Planning for alleged insurance policy churning…
02 July 2018
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission says Dover Financial Advisers director Terry McMaster has agreed to “remove himself permanently” from the industry…
02 July 2018
Former Ipac adviser Graeme Cowper has been banned from providing financial advice for four years…
02 July 2018
Traditional life insurers face a slowdown as insurtech competitors and buyer reluctance take a toll, according to a paper from Deloitte…
02 July 2018
AIA Australia has welcomed a KPMG paper on proposed opt-in arrangements for insurance in superannuation, saying the budget changes will fail to address eroding account balances…
02 July 2018
Almost 90% of financial planners want to use a wider range of digital channels to reach clients, a survey by market researcher Investment Trends reveals…
02 July 2018
MLC Life is helping financial advisers improve their client communication skills by revamping an advice-support model it set up last year…
02 July 2018
The Financial Planning Association has announced Erica Cummins of Graham Wealth in Swan Hill, Victoria, as the latest winner of the Gwen Fletcher Memorial Award…
02 July 2018
TAL will hold 19 adviser roadshows in capital cities and regional towns starting next month…
25 June 2018
Making insurance in superannuation an opt-in arrangement for members aged under 25 or with low-balance or inactive accounts will lead to a 50% drop in group cover and a 42% drop in premium, KPMG says…
25 June 2018
BT Financial Group advisers will no longer receive commissions for financial products sold before the Future of Financial Advice reforms…
25 June 2018
AMP is the most profitable life insurer, with an after-tax net profit of $565 million last year, followed by Challenger on $445 million, according to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority data…
25 June 2018
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand and the Financial Markets Authority are to start assessing the conduct and culture of 15 major life insurers…
25 June 2018
David Murray has pledged to rebuild AMP and restore trust after taking over as Chairman, replacing former IAG CEO Mike Wilkins…
25 June 2018
Broker Marsh has urged employers to reduce their reliance on insurance within superannuation and ensure all their workers are covered by life and total and permanent disability benefits…
25 June 2018
Regulators have issued the reporting template for the third and final round of pilot collection of life claims and disputes data…
25 June 2018
Former Suncorp executive Gerard McDermott has joined MetLife Australia as Chief Strategy and Customer Officer…