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Life Insurance

NEOS Life aims to set ‘new standard’

25 June 2018

New entrant NEOS Life will initially distribute its retail products through a select group of adviser partners, as it aims to distinguish itself from established life insurers…

APRA weighs in on worker rehab reforms

18 June 2018

The prudential regulator has told policymakers to exercise “care” in any legislative changes that give life insurers a role in worker rehabilitation…

TAL makes pricing, client appointments

18 June 2018

TAL has appointed Joseph Daley as GM Pricing and Nick White as Head of Clients and Strategic Management within its group insurance business…

AIA questions group cover opt-in

12 June 2018

AIA warns an insurance in superannuation opt-in model for young people would provide minimal additional savings, but could have devastating implications in the event of injury or illness…

FPA conference open for registration

12 June 2018

Registrations are open for the Financial Planning Association Professionals Congress, from November 21-23 at the International Convention Centre in Sydney…

ANZ offloads OnePath NZ

04 June 2018

ANZ will sell its OnePath New Zealand life business to specialist insurer Cigna for $NZ700 million…