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Life Insurance

Industry steps up super reform awareness drive

17 June 2019

The Financial Services Council and the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia have launched a joint campaign to encourage people to check their group life cover arrangements ahead of legislative changes...

CBA to part with advice arm

17 June 2019

Commonwealth is the latest bank to offload its financial advice arm, selling Count Financial to CountPlus for $2.5 million...

Fidelity appoints new COO

17 June 2019

Fidelity Life New Zealand has recruited Gallagher Bassett’s EGM Claims Katherine Johnson to be its new COO...

Authority green-lights Kaplan diploma

17 June 2019

Kaplan Professional’s graduate diploma of financial planning and other bridging courses have been approved by the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority...

Adviser slams ‘hijacked’ commissions debate

11 June 2019

The Federal Government and corporate regulator’s “obsession” with conflicted remuneration is blinding them to the need to ensure consumers have access to financial advice, a leading adviser warns…

AFA opens conference registration

11 June 2019

The Association of Financial Advisers has opened registrations for its annual conference, to be held in Adelaide in August…

FPA offers members mental health support

11 June 2019

The Financial Planning Association has established a mental health program for advisers struggling under the weight of education and regulatory changes…

Industry profits take a dive

03 June 2019

Net profit for the life insurance industry plummeted to only $800 million in the year to March, according to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority figures…

AIA spreads word on inactive super funds

03 June 2019

AIA has launched a national campaign with superannuation partners Mercer and Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation to encourage members to stop their “inactive” super accounts being shut down…

Zurich finalises OnePath purchase

03 June 2019

Zurich has completed its acquisition of ANZ’s OnePath life insurance business, giving it the largest financial adviser distributor channel in the country…

Advisers learn about ethics code

03 June 2019

Life insurer TAL is running an ethics course to help advisers fulfil Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority code requirements…