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Life Insurance

Slow insurers face a bleak future

17 July 2001

Insurance companies which maintain traditional business models with inefficient operational cost structures face a bleak future, according to Peter Wyatt, MD of loss adjusters…

AMP expands uk market exposure

10 July 2001

Fresh from selling off its general insurance operations in Australia, AMP is continuing its strategic expansion into the British wealth creation market…

AXA opens up global markets to locals

10 July 2001

A new range of managed funds launched into the retail market yesterday by Axa Australia will use leading finds manager Alliance Capital…

Super-split law passes Senate

03 July 2001

The Senate has finally passed the Family Law Legislation Amendment (Superannuation) Bill, which provides for separating couples to split their super…

APRA keeps close to super review

26 June 2001

APRA is trying to devise ways to improve the quality and timeliness of information it receives from superannuation funds…

AXA profit roundup

13 June 2001

Axa Asia-Pacific made an after-tax operating profit of $162 million for the six months to March 31, thanks mainly to the buoyant health insurance market…

Tax loophole plugged

13 June 2001

The Federal Government has closed a loophole in the Income Tax Assessment Act that applied to dividend imputations and life insurance companies…

Who knows where their super is?

29 May 2001

Considering that the newly announced Budget will reward “self-funded retirees”, many Australians have little or no idea about what their superannuation actually does…

AXISS gets more, too

29 May 2001

The Federal Treasury department set up to promote Australia as a centre for global financial services has also had its budget boosted…

Watch this space

15 May 2001

The strategic moves by giant foreign-owned insurers on the local market continues, with attention now switching to financial services…

HIH – Government moves

15 May 2001

The HIH collapse is approaching the proportions of a national disaster and has consequently become a political football…

Brokers defend their involvement

15 May 2001

As the buck-passing continues – with governments blaming each other, everyone except the Government and APRA blaming APRA, APRA blaming the HIH management and board…

AMP rationalises super

01 May 2001

AMP has struck a deal with global consultancy firm William M Mercer to handle its 95 stand-alone corporate superannuation clients…

Premium funders make it easier

17 April 2001

Possible legal problems surrounding HIH premiums are spilling over into the premium funding sector, although the “commercial loan” nature of the contract removes much…

Maynard takes FICS

17 April 2001

Former Insurance Enquiries & Complaints National Operations Manager Alison Maynard has been appointed CEO of the Financial Industry Complaints Service…

ING wins top quality award

03 April 2001

ING Australia funds management division has won the Australian Quality Council’s Gold Australia Business Excellence Award…