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Life Insurance

Lapse rates a challenge for life industry

16 May 2011

Rising lapse rates for the Australian life insurance industry will impact profitability of the sector in the future, according to a new report by Credit Suisse…

FOFA: Banks to dominate life industry

09 May 2011

Banks will come to dominate the life insurance industry as individual advisers lose clients through moving to the fee-based regime proposed by the Future of Financial Advice reforms…

MLC grows life insurance business

09 May 2011

MLC and NAB Wealth have reported a 7.7% rise in annual inforce life insurance premiums for the six months ending March 31 this year…

New name for Tower Australia

09 May 2011

Tower Australia has changed its name to TAL as the five-year agreement with Tower NZ on the use of the Tower brand moves closer to expiry…

FOFA: Industry attacks life commission ban

02 May 2011

The financial services industry has been unanimous in its condemnation of the Federal Government’s ban on life insurance commissions for products sold through superannuation…

Consumers don’t want fees

02 May 2011

Research released by the Association of Financial Advisers has found consumers don’t want to pay for advice on life insurance…

Housework cover for injured mums

02 May 2011

Suncorp life insurance subsidiary Million Dollar Woman is offering full-time mothers cover for housework and childcare if they are injured or fall ill…

Tower takeover completed

02 May 2011

Japanese life insurer Dai-ichi Life Insurance’s takeover of Tower Australia has been completed, with the Federal Court approving the scheme of arrangement…

Planner or adviser? Associations want protection

18 April 2011

The Financial Planning Association wants the use of the term “financial planner” restricted by law, while the rival Association of Financial Advisers wants the term “financial adviser” given…

AFA appoints new GenXt chairman

18 April 2011

The new chairman of the Association of Financial Advisers’ GenXt committee is Sarah Riegelhuth of Wealth Enhancers…

UK reforms cost consumers more

11 April 2011

The UK Government has admitted its retail distribution review will push up the cost of providing advice and increase the underinsurance problem, Association of British Insurers…