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UK marketing specialist for FPA

The Financial Planning Association (FPA) has hired a UK marketing specialist, Lindy Jones, to run its new consumer advertising campaign.

She has been appointed as the association’s new GM Marketing, having held similar roles in Australian and overseas financial services companies.

This includes acting as Marketing Director for Deutsche Bank in Europe and the UK, launching retail funds for Macquarie Bank in London and, most recently, in a business development role at Co-operative Financial Services in the UK.

FPA CEO Mark Rantall says hiring Ms Jones was part of the push to lift the profile of its members with consumers.

“Bringing Ms Jones on board at this stage marks the next logical step in our development and our continuing campaign to raise the professionalism, standing and profile of our members and our organisation,” he said.

“We believe that someone with her credentials and wide-ranging industry experience will help us promote the benefits of financial planning to the wider community.”

The FPA will be running an advertising campaign in national and regional media during September.

The campaign has been funded by member contributions and more than 2000 members have been consulted on the proposed advertising approach.

The TV ad is now in post-production following filming last month.

Mr Rantall says there has already been strong support for the advertisements during early consumer testing.