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Life Insurance

FAAA member renewal rate 'exceeds 80%’ 

10 July 2023

The Financial Advice Association Australia says it has registered more than 8700 membership renewals following the merger of the Association of Financial Advisers and Financial Planning Association ahead of its first congress later this year...

Court rules against AMP in class action 

10 July 2023

AMP has lost in a class action filed by its authorised financial advisers, who disputed changes made in a buyout policy that would result in them getting less money from selling their practices to the financial services provider...

New life code starts 

03 July 2023

The new Life Insurance Code of Practice comes into force at the start of this month, introducing more than 50 new consumer protection measures including a financial penalty of up to $100,000 for significant breaches and an extension of the moratorium on genetic testing...

Advisers concerned over increase in ASIC levy 

03 July 2023

Financial advisers have questioned the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s estimates of cost recovery levies for this financial year, warning they may have to pass on the increases to consumers...

Rise in adviser numbers offers ‘glimmer of hope’ 

19 June 2023

More than 600 financial advisers joined the industry in the March quarter, the first rise in over three years and there was an increase of 213 licensees during the period, financial services researcher Rainmaker Information says in a new report...

ALUCA names excellence award winners 

19 June 2023

The Australasian Life Underwriting and Claims Association has announced the winners of its annual excellence awards and conferred its top Life Membership honours on Carly Van Den Akker of Swiss Re and John O’Leary of TAL...