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Hurricane experts issue season forecast

04 June 2018

The Atlantic hurricane season is forecast to produce between five and nine hurricanes, including up to four that could become major storms…

UK pet claims set records

04 June 2018

The number of UK pet insurance claims hit 1 million for the first time last year, according to the Association of British Insurers…

Insurtech investment booms

28 May 2018

Insurtech investment soared 155% to $US724 million in the first quarter, compared with the corresponding period last year…

Lloyd’s wins approval for EU hub in Belgium

28 May 2018

Lloyd’s European Union subsidiary in Brussels will start operations next January as planned, after it secured regulatory approval from the National Bank of Belgium…

M&A trend here to stay: AM Best

28 May 2018

The industry can expect more mergers and acquisitions in coming months as insurers look to overcome limited organic growth opportunities, AM Best says…

Marine blockchain tool launches

28 May 2018

A marine blockchain platform developed by EY, technology company Guardtime and industry participants has been adopted for commercial hull insurance after a successful trial…

Insurers unprepared for climate change risks

21 May 2018

New research shows most insurance companies have not integrated climate change into their risk management practices, nor adjusted premium trends to the increasing frequency and severity of natural catastrophes…

Axa secures financing for XL deal

21 May 2018

Axa has lined up funds for its €12.4 billion acquisition of XL Group after completing the initial public offering of US subsidiary Axa Equitable Holdings…