Asbestos losses mount in US
03 December 2018
Asbestos contamination will cause an estimated $US46 billion of “net ultimate environmental losses” for the US property and casualty industry, AM Best says…
03 December 2018
Asbestos contamination will cause an estimated $US46 billion of “net ultimate environmental losses” for the US property and casualty industry, AM Best says…
03 December 2018
Japan’s three biggest property and casualty insurance groups are on course for a profitable year despite record natural catastrophe losses, Moody’s says…
03 December 2018
Global catastrophe loss estimates for a one-in-100-year scenario have highlighted the insurance protection gap, AIR Worldwide says in its annual risk report…
03 December 2018
US insurers have joined other business groups in pushing Congress to extend the National Flood Insurance Program, which was due to expire last Friday…
03 December 2018
The insurance industry must strengthen its catastrophe risk modelling to anticipate climate change scenarios, according to the Geneva Association…
03 December 2018
Insurance losses from the Woolsey fire in southern California will reach $US2.5 billion, according to AIR Worldwide…
26 November 2018
Emerging Asia will continue to power the global insurance market next year, Swiss Re says…
26 November 2018
Insured losses from California’s Camp and Woolsey fires, which started earlier this month, will reach $US9-$US13 billion, risk modeller RMS estimates…
26 November 2018
A new study provides one of the most detailed assessments yet of how humanity could be affected by simultaneous catastrophes…
26 November 2018
JLT Chairman Ross Howard will become Vice-Chairman of Guy Carpenter after the merger with parent Marsh…
26 November 2018
Traditional risk assessments will change radically with the growth of the Internet of Things, Lloyd’s says…
19 November 2018
JLT Group CEO Dominic Burke will chair the new Marsh-JLT Specialty business, to be launched after a merger of the two broking giants…
19 November 2018
Most British insurers likely to be affected by Brexit have moved or started moving their European business to the Continent, ratings agency AM Best says…
19 November 2018
Lloyd’s new Brussels office is open for business, staffed by 50 people…
19 November 2018
The number of people killed by devastating California wildfires has risen to 79, with more than 1000 still missing…
19 November 2018
Steady growth is forecast for personal lines insurance in the US, driven by strong premium gains in motor insurance…
19 November 2018
HDI Global parent Talanx has reported a 9.9% rise in net income to €488 million for the nine months to September 30…
12 November 2018
JLT shareholders in London have voted overwhelmingly in favour of Marsh & McLennan’s takeover of the business…
12 November 2018
The insurance industry has been called on to respond to a protection gap around lone-wolf assaults, cyber attacks and other emerging terrorism tactics…
12 November 2018
Hurricane Michael is estimated to have caused at least $US15 billion of economic damage in the US, with insurance payouts to exceed $US8 billion…