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Disasters push Aspen to another loss

11 February 2019

Californian wildfires, Hurricane Michael and Typhoon Jebi hit Bermuda-based Aspen’s final annual result before its acquisition by Apollo Global Management…

Accounting standard hits Aon results

04 February 2019

Aon has reported a drop in earnings for last year, blaming an “unfavourable impact” from the adoption of a new revenue recognition standard…

Weather perils dominate cat losses

04 February 2019

Cyclones, typhoons and other weather events accounted for 96% of the $US225 billion in natural disaster losses last year, according to Aon’s annual review…

Reinsurance capacity softens catastrophe impact

04 February 2019

Global catastrophe losses in the second half of last year had a muted impact on property reinsurance renewal rates thanks to plentiful capacity, according to Guy Carpenter…

January renewals point to more pain for reinsurers

04 February 2019

Reinsurers will intensify efforts to find new growth strategies as they brace for yet another difficult year after a disappointing January renewal season, S&P Global Ratings says…

RIMS warns on intellectual property risk

10 December 2018

Developing an insurance program is one way of protecting intellectual property assets, according to a Risk and Insurance Management Society white paper…

Windstorm season losses double the average

10 December 2018

Global insured losses from this year’s hurricane and typhoon season are estimated at about $US25 billion, about one-third of last year’s but still twice the average, Munich Re says…

Financial markets pose risk to Japanese: Fitch

10 December 2018

Japanese insurers’ international search for better investment returns to offset sluggish growth at home may pose the biggest risks to their businesses, Fitch Ratings warns…

Cyber growth slow to kick in: Deloitte

03 December 2018

Predictions that cyber coverage could be the biggest growth opportunity for insurers are not coming to fruition, despite the enormous cost of digital crime, according to Deloitte…