Islamic insurance set to take off
21 April 2008
The Islamic “takaful” insurance market will be worth $US4.3 billion ($4.6 billion) within two years, an Ernst & Young report reveals...
21 April 2008
The Islamic “takaful” insurance market will be worth $US4.3 billion ($4.6 billion) within two years, an Ernst & Young report reveals...
14 April 2008
US insurance premiums are continuing to fall, with the largest decreases since Hurricane Katrina recorded in the last quarter...
14 April 2008
The US property/casualty insurance industry has achieved its second-best combined ratio in the past four decades, despite a deteriorating underwriting performance...
14 April 2008
Deteriorating economic prospects and a risk of recession in the UK are a concern for the country’s non-life insurers, according to a Standard & Poor’s report...
14 April 2008
S&P also warns if US commercial rates continue to fall at the current rate, the outlook may turn to negative in the second half of this year...
14 April 2008
An intense Atlantic hurricane season is forecast with eight storms expected to develop in the region this year, according to Colorado State University’s Tropical Meteorology Project...
14 April 2008
European insurers may need to adjust their capital reserves for the upcoming Solvency II regulation regime, according to a ratings agency chief...
07 April 2008
The US Treasury has called for federal regulation of the insurance industry, to overhaul the present cumbersome system where more than 50 state regulators – some of them elected…
07 April 2008
American International Group is suing former CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg and six ex-directors and officers for breaching their fiduciary duty to the company...
07 April 2008
After months of discussion, the US National Association of Insurance Commissioners has formally adopted a framework to reform US reinsurance regulation...
07 April 2008
Brokers Marsh and Willis are complying with settlement terms reached with the New York State Insurance Department and Attorney-General, according to a review…
07 April 2008
New Zealand Trade Minister Phil Goff is scheduled to sign a free trade agreement with China today, and insurance is expected to be among the services granted special access…
07 April 2008
A competitive market is forcing reinsurers to cut rates, with profit unlikely to match gains made in 2007, according to Willis Re...
31 March 2008
Floods are the greatest risk of all natural catastrophes facing UK insurers, according to a customer survey by a major emergency management consultancy...
31 March 2008
Global broker Marsh has established a financial and professional services practice in Dubai, where it will market specialist insurance products to the Middle East...
31 March 2008
Insured losses from a devastating tornado that struck the US city of Atlanta, Georgia, and subsequent storms in other parts of the state on March 14-15 have risen to US$250 million…
31 March 2008
China’s largest life insurers have announced steep climbs in profit for 2007...
31 March 2008
American International Group has reached a US$13.5 million ($14.7 million) settlement with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department over bid-rigging claims...
31 March 2008
Aon Executive Chairman Patrick Ryan will retire on August 1 from the brokerage he founded...
17 March 2008
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the scourge of insurers and brokers for much of the past five years, has resigned after admitting links with a prostitution ring...