Fortis appoints new CEO
22 June 2009
Troubled banking and insurance group Fortis has announced Bart De Smet as its new CEO...
22 June 2009
Troubled banking and insurance group Fortis has announced Bart De Smet as its new CEO...
15 June 2009
The growth potential of emerging world markets will entice 62% of leading life and general insurance companies to expand offshore in the next 12 months, according to a new international survey...
15 June 2009
International insurance and reinsurance chief executives are upbeat about the prospects for their companies in the economic downturn...
15 June 2009
Global broker Marsh believes a professional indemnity “perfect storm” is brewing that could leave companies in the UK architectural, engineering and construction industries underinsured...
15 June 2009
The Air France crash that killed 228 people is expected to be the most costly airline disaster for insurers since 2001...
15 June 2009
Bits and pieces of AIG continue to be sold off in a bid to pay back American taxpayers for the $US180 billion ($222 billion) government rescue...
15 June 2009
The UK insurance industry will escape the “regulation revolution” facing banks but can expect closer scrutiny from regulators in coming years...
15 June 2009
The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office has found legal expenses insurer Amicus Legal in breach of the Data Protection Act after it reported a laptop containing...
15 June 2009
A fragile banking system, outsourced risk and sheer greed have been cited as some of the root causes of the global financial crisis at an international conference of regulators...
15 June 2009
About 560 jobs will get the chop over the next few months at Axa’s UK general insurance subsidiary...
09 June 2009
Global broker Aon’s latest terrorism threat map shows a more settled outlook for Australia...
09 June 2009
Swiss Re says class action lawsuits related to climate change could develop more rapidly than those for asbestos, and it is monitoring developments closely for their insurance implications...
09 June 2009
Marine insurers are juggling falling revenues, lower premium volumes and decreased investment incomes, so not surprisingly rate increases will continue...
09 June 2009
Lloyd’s market insurer Amlin has agreed to buy Fortis Corporate Insurance from the Dutch Government for €350 million ($616 million), attracted by its large commercial portfolio...
09 June 2009
The loss of Air France flight AF447 in the mid-Atlantic last week could result in insured losses of more than $US1 billion ($1.25 billion), according to international industry observers...
09 June 2009
Aon is taking over sponsorship of English soccer team Manchester United after AIG earlier announced it will not renew its contract with the club...
09 June 2009
Lawmakers in Texas have approved plans to replenish a state insurance scheme after Hurricanes Ike and Dolly depleted the fund last year...
01 June 2009
Competition and new players in some lines are continuing to keep UK commercial insurance rates down, Marsh says in a report on the first quarter...
01 June 2009
Munich Re has warned Italians that while statistical data doesn’t indicate a trend towards a rise in weather catastrophes, increasing drought, floods and heat will leave an impression...
01 June 2009
A bid by British insurers to overturn a new Scottish asbestos compensation law gathered pace last week when a judicial review convened in Edinburgh...