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Bogus claims on the rise in the US

Suspicious insurance claims in the US rose 13% in the first half of this year compared with a year ago, with increases in nearly all referral categories.

Among the total 41,619 questionable claims recorded by the National Insurance Crime Bureau, faked damage to cars jumped 30% to 2111, suspect auto fires climbed 20% to 1428 and auto glass fraud was up 76% to 239.

Suspicious claims for cars hit while parked soared 46% to 502.

In property, suspect hail damage claims shot up 135% to 244 while suspicious theft/loss (not vehicle) was the largest category with 3136 cases, up 15%.

Dodgy slip and fall claims were up 47% to 760, staged/caused accident climbed 43% to 2320 and there were 6353 faked/exaggerated injuries, showing a rise of 12%.

Suspicious product liability claims, although low in number at 74, were up 90%.