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Harvey tipped to be among costliest US disasters

11 September 2017

Hurricane Harvey will cost at least “tens of billions” of dollars in economic losses, making it one of the US’ most expensive natural disasters, according to Impact Forecasting…

Flood scheme secures three-month lifeline

11 September 2017

The US National Flood Insurance Program, which was due to expire at the end of this month, has been renewed for three months to manage recovery from Harvey and other hurricanes…

Payouts limited after huge Mexico quake

11 September 2017

Insured losses from the 8.1-magnitude earthquake that shook Mexico’s southern coast last Thursday are likely to be limited, according to ratings agency AM Best…

UK reverses policy on injury comp formula

11 September 2017

The UK will introduce a new system for calculating serious personal injury compensation payouts, less than a year after changing the formula amid much criticism from the industry…

Service expansion hits Charles Taylor earnings

11 September 2017

Professional services group Charles Taylor says investments in its insurance technology business caused an earnings slide in the insurance support services division…

Insurers want flood scheme renewal following Harvey

04 September 2017

The financially troubled US National Flood Insurance Program is due to expire at the end of this month, but insurers say it should be extended for at least six months to handle the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey…

US P&C underwriting slumps to five-year low

04 September 2017

The US property and casualty industry has recorded its worst first-half loss for five years, suffering $US5.1 billion in net underwriting losses, AM Best says…

Novae shareholders clear Axis takeover

04 September 2017

Specialty lines insurer Axis Capital will proceed with its all-cash £477.6 million acquisition of Novae Group, after the target’s shareholders voted in favour…

AM Best upgrades Scor

04 September 2017

AM Best has lifted Scor’s financial strength ratings to A+ from A, and its long-term issuer credit ratings to aa- from a+…