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Lloyd’s upbeat despite profit decline

02 October 2017

Lloyd’s earned a pre-tax profit of £1.22 billion for the half-year to June 30, down from £1.46 billion in the corresponding period last year amid challenging marketing conditions…

UK comparator faces pricing probe

02 October 2017

Insurance comparator Compare The Market is facing an investigation by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority over its deals with insurers…

Pool Re seeks to extend terrorism cover as threat evolves

02 October 2017

UK terrorism reinsurer Pool Re says intensive talks have been held at ministerial level to extend its cover as attacks aimed at causing mass civilian casualties mark a fundamental shift in Islamist extremist tactics…

AIG creates general insurance unit in overhaul

02 October 2017

AIG plans to create a separate general insurance division as part of a reorganisation of the company into three business units in an overhaul announced by new CEO Brian Duperreault…

Mexico quake claims may hit $2.6 billion

25 September 2017

Insured losses from last week’s 7.1-magnitude earthquake in Mexico could range from less than $1 billion to $2.6 billion, according to various estimates by catastrophe modellers…

XL business leaves UK as Brexit looms

25 September 2017

XL Group has announced plans to relocate XL Insurance Company SE from the UK to Dublin next year in response to Brexit, but its Catlin subsidiary will remain in London…

Competition grows as M&A market takes off

25 September 2017

JLT Specialty says there was a 76% increase in the number of merger and acquisition (M&A) insurance policies placed worldwide in the first half, amid increased competition…

Modeller scales down Irma’s upper loss estimate

18 September 2017

Insured losses from Hurricane Irma will probably range from $US32-$US50 billion, changed from an earlier $US20-$US65 billion estimate, according to catastrophe modeller AIR Worldwide…

Capacity, lack of modelling ‘hold back terror market’

18 September 2017

Restricted capacity, limited modelling and lack of demand from smaller organisations is hampering development of a substantial terrorism market as the focus of attacks shifts, according to Guy Carpenter executives…