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Suncorp ramps up digital focus

17 May 2021

Suncorp is accelerating its digitisation drive as it looks to technology to sharpen its competitiveness and product offerings...

'Supercharge' insurance distribution with technology

17 May 2021

The pandemic and climate change are making the world more insurance conscious, and insurers should seize the moment by enhancing their distribution channels with virtual reality and Artificial Intelligence, Capgemini and Efma’s new World Insurance Report 2021 says...

AI cuts 'total loss' motor claims for customers: IAG

17 May 2021

A study by IAG researchers found Artificial intelligence and automation techniques improve the customer experience during motor total loss claims as well as the insurer’s operational expenses in handling claims and metrics like churn rates...

Machine learning shows promise for hazard budgeting

10 May 2021

There are promising results in applying machine learning techniques to the significant challenge of accurately predicting natural climate variability, attendees at this year’s Actuaries Summit heard...

Seven billion reasons for insurers to innovate: Accenture

03 May 2021

Insurers are operating in a “new revenue landscape” which will challenge customer retention levels, with a rise in online distribution and digital insurance premiums set to displace $7.56 billion of current insurance sales over five years in Australia, Accenture says...

FloodMapp sees loss prevention opportunity

03 May 2021

Innovative flood-mapping firm FloodMapp believes it can help reduce damage – and cut insurance premiums – by working with insurers on loss prevention during major flood events...

Insurtech funding hits new record

03 May 2021

Insurtech funding reached an all-time high of $US2.55 billion across 146 deals in the first quarter, up 180% from a year ago and 22% from the fourth quarter of 2020...

COVID squeeze to encourage data-for-premium trade offs

03 May 2021

As business and household budgets are squeezed by the COVID pandemic, customers are more likely to trade their personal data for cheaper premiums and this will increase the importance of big data and analytics in insurance, GlobalData says...