
SIRA censures icare over injured workers' privacy breach

05 October 2022

The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority has issued a letter of censure to icare after it disclosed the personal and health information of injured workers through an email attachment sent to the wrong recipients...

Verisk estimates severe Hurricane Ian losses

04 October 2022

Insured losses from Hurricane Ian have been estimated at $US42-57 billion including impacts after landfalls in both Florida and South Carolina, modelling company Verisk says, making it one of the worst to hit the US...

BOM adds heatwaves to warnings

04 October 2022

The Bureau of Meteorology has introduced a new national warning system for severe or extreme heatwave conditions...

Insurance losses to climb after Hurricane Ian hits Florida

30 September 2022

Hurricane Ian will trigger billions of dollars in catastrophe insurance losses after bringing destructive winds and unprecedented storm surges as it reached the southwest Florida coastline at category four strength...

Flood-hit region facing rising risks: IAG

29 September 2022

The Queensland and NSW region hit by this year’s record flooding faces rising risks from changes in tropical cyclone intensity and behaviour over future decades, research co-authored by IAG’s Natural Perils team shows...

'Unseaworthy': claim denied after fatal yacht incident

29 September 2022

A complainant has lost their challenge to overturn a claim denial for a yacht accident that left two dead after the Australian Financial Complaints Authority ruled the insurer was entitled to deny cover for the “unseaworthy” vessel...

Cyber staff shortage leaving nation exposed

28 September 2022

A huge shortfall of specialist cyber security staff is leaving Australian businesses exposed to cyber attacks, a new report from the Actuaries Institute warns...