
Fast Cover Travel, Upcover win Finder awards

19 August 2021

Fast Cover Travel Insurance has taken out comparator Finder’s 2021 Best Insurance Innovation award while Upcover took this year’s honours for Best Insurtech Innovation...

Workers' comp fraudsters to return $80,000

19 August 2021

WorkSafe Victoria says two men caught separately receiving benefits from the workers’ compensation scheme while working will have to return more than $80,000 between them, after they pleaded guilty in court...

ICA pushes further add-on regulation changes

18 August 2021

The Insurance Council of Australia has proposed further changes to deferred sales model draft regulations, arguing rules hammered out after previous consultations are still unnecessarily sweeping up business clients and posing problems for buyers of boats and livestock...

Man loses claim dispute over stolen $39,000 gold watch

18 August 2021

A man who removed his Omega Constellation Co-axial 18 carat gold watch and hid it in his car to avoid unwanted attention while visiting a busy pie shop during an afternoon of sightseeing in NSW has lost a theft claim dispute with Lloyd’s...

Former Resilium AR battles over clients

17 August 2021

A former Resilium authorised representative that had its agreement terminated following insurer concerns over motor policy details is claiming a breach of client portfolio obligations in a dispute before the NSW Supreme Court...

Harden joins Guy Carpenter as Asia Pacific President

17 August 2021

Guy Carpenter has appointed Michael Harden as President of Asia Pacific, effective immediately, after the former Willis Re executive recently won a court battle clearing the way for him to join the reinsurance broking firm...

Home policy 'doesn't cover liability for fatal microlight crash'

17 August 2021

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has upheld a decision by Suncorp to deny a customer’s claim for potential legal liability after a fatal aircraft accident, ruling the home and contents policy he held with the insurer excludes cover for business activities...

Some shift in difficult property and casualty market: Honan

13 August 2021

The property and casualty market remains challenging overall, but a shift started to be seen toward the end of the June quarter around pricing and increased levels of competition for “good risks”, Honan says in its latest quarterly update...

Suncorp offers up to $10,000 for resilient homebuilding

13 August 2021

Suncorp is encouraging Queensland homeowners to rebuild stronger homes after an insurance claim with its Build it Back Better initiative, which provides up to $10,000 to eligible customers to improve resilience to natural hazards, water damage, fire and theft...

Rate gains power QBE first-half earnings

12 August 2021

QBE Group says COVID-related business impacts have been “modest” so far this year, as the insurer today announced significantly improved first-half earnings for the six months to June 30...

ASIC offers 'reasonable' enforcement as reforms start

12 August 2021

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission will avoid heavy-handed enforcement of a swathe of reforms taking effect in October as financial services firms grapple with the extensive changes amid the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns...

AFCA explains earth movement rulings

12 August 2021

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has explained in detail how it arrived at a spate of claim dispute resolutions related to earth movement and insurance cover...

IAG sets out improvement plans after loss

11 August 2021

IAG says a turnaround in its Australian intermediated business will be a key plank in achieving improved performance as the insurer aims to leave behind issues that hit its results last financial year...