
Insurers urged to 'obsess' over innovation

25 January 2022

Consultancy Accenture has listed five key trends it believes will shape the insurance industry this year as the pressure on insurers to innovate intensifies because of increased competition from insurtechs and other new entrants...

Berkley adds PI offering to Steadfast's online trading platform

24 January 2022

Berkley Insurance Australia now offers its Professional Indemnity product on the Steadfast Client Trading Platform (SCTP), in addition to General Liability which has been available since it joined the online marketplace three years ago...

Hostile cyber activity ups ante for cover gaps

24 January 2022

Government backstops may be needed to absorb some cyber risk given market challenges in insuring potentially large losses from hostile activity and with premiums rising as cover costs are recalibrated, the Geneva Association says in a report...

IAG wins court fight over factory fire

20 January 2022

IAG has successfully defended court action over a declined multi-million dollar claim after it argued that a massive fire at a Queensland bedding factory was started deliberately...

Big Red Bash loses cancellation cover battle

20 January 2022

The organiser of the annual Big Red Bash music festival in outback Queensland has lost a court battle with Lloyd’s underwriters over a $3.18 million event cancellation claim triggered by the pandemic...

Darren O’Connell joins IAG intermediated team

19 January 2022

IAG announced today Darren O’Connell will start on February 1 as EGM Underwriting at its Intermediated Insurance Australia division headed by Group Executive Jarrod Hill...

BI, cyber joint top Australia threats: Allianz risk survey

19 January 2022

Supply disruption and other forms of business interruption, along with cyber breaches, pose the biggest threats to corporate Australia over the next 12 months, while pandemic outbreak, the top risk last year, slipped to sixth in an annual Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty survey...

Rain-inducing La Nina likely near peak

18 January 2022

The La Nina weather pattern is likely “near or at its peak” with a return to neutral conditions expected in the autumn, the Bureau of Meteorology says in its Climate Driver Update...