Doyle quits as Zurich CEO
20 April 2012
Zurich CEO Shane Doyle today announced his resignation from the company…
20 April 2012
Zurich CEO Shane Doyle today announced his resignation from the company…
09 March 2012
CGU will cut 600 jobs over the next three years under a $75 million restructure of its business…
28 February 2012
Legendary QBE Group CEO Frank O’Halloran will retire on August 17…
01 February 2012
Popular broker Steve Lardner will retire from Aon Risk Solutions on July 6…
16 December 2011
IAG announced this morning it has entered into an agreement to buy troubled New Zealand insurer AMI for $NZ380 million ($288 million)…
14 November 2011
Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten this afternoon released the recommendations of the Natural Disaster Insurance Review, which encompass flood risk management, insurers’ claims-handling…
27 October 2011
Wesfarmers Australian Underwriting CEO Vivek Bhatia will leave the Wesfarmers Insurance operation as part of a management restructure…
08 March 2011
Zurich Australia is to split its local operations into two separate businesses as part of a global strategy…
23 February 2011
Some loss adjusters and insurance brokers working in Christchurch remain unaccounted for and one has been confirmed dead following yesterday’s devastating earthquake in the city…
20 October 2010
Former Aon UK CEO Peter Harmer has been appointed CEO of CGU, replacing Duncan West…
27 August 2010
Victorian Premier John Brumby announced this morning that the state will abolish the insurance industry-based fire services levy…
02 August 2010
Victorian Premier John Brumby has committed only to “further consultation” on a 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission recommendation to abolish the fire services levy…
04 November 2009
The Association of British Insurers has appointed Insurance Council of Australia CEO Kerrie Kelly as its new Director-General…
28 July 2009
The name AIG Australia is set to disappear after parent AIU Holdings last night unveiled its new name of Chartis…
01 July 2009
British insurance executive Patrick Snowball has been named the new MD and CEO of Suncorp, effective from September 1...
03 March 2009
Global insurer AIG is to be broken up into smaller business units, with the profitable Australian operation to become part of a holding company...
05 February 2009
Suncorp CEO John Mulcahy this morning announced his intention to resign from the company...
19 December 2008
The merger between the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance and Finance and Britain’s Chartered Insurance Institute has been called off, with the CII blaming...
09 December 2008
Stardex Insurance Group has sold its professional risks underwriting agency Dexta Corporation to Axis Specialty Europe...
17 September 2008
The US Federal Reserve Board has announced it will lend as much as $US85 billion ($105.6 billion) to save the world’s largest insurer, American International Group, from collapse...