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Bad news: pandemic infects the industry’s reputation

17 August 2020

We’ve all seen the headlines. Across the world from the US to the UK, mainstream media news titles have been all too eager to attack the insurance industry’s perceived failings as coronavirus and associated shutdowns took a heavy toll...

IAG’s next big challenge: succession

10 August 2020

With the results for IAG’s financial year behind them, the group’s directors now have another major matter to settle – who will lead the group into what MD Peter Harmer has described as “an increasingly complex and dynamic environment”...

Looking beyond lab-focused 'pet' projects

03 August 2020

Insurers have moved beyond putting a toe in the water when it comes to insurtech partnerships, but are yet to take the full plunge when it comes to widescale adoption of innovation, the third annual Australian Insurtech Ecosystem Report suggests...

Scrutiny heightens as icare battles criticism

27 July 2020

It’s been a tough first five years for NSW insurer icare, and scrutiny is continuing to rise as it battles to convince regulators, employers and others involved in workers’ compensation that it is on the right path...

The pitfalls of prophecy in a fast-changing world

20 July 2020

The speed of the pandemic crisis and its impact on global insurance is complex and controversial. And predicting the outcome of a swiftly changing series of events can have unfortunate consequences...

Beyond the virus: new risks emerge as world changes

15 June 2020

Coronavirus upheavals may have turned the world upside down in the past few months but Swiss Re’s Sonar report finds new technologies and the shift toward lower-carbon solutions remain key drivers of emerging risks...

Demanding better: code committee calls out failings

01 June 2020

Despite the Hayne royal commission and regulators hammering home messages about trust, culture and customer focus, a report by the General Insurance Code Governance Committee suggests that for some the message still isn’t sinking in...

A messy business: court action looms over BI wording

18 May 2020

As wrestling over coronavirus business interruption coverage, or the lack of it, ramped up in the US and UK, the Australian insurance industry was able to watch from a position of relative comfort...

Home truths on the future of work

11 May 2020

The Federal Government has outlined clear plans to awaken the economy from its virus-induced slumber by July – with workers returning to office environments a key part of measures designed to bring back a level of normality...

Falling short: MPs miss their mark during uninformed hearings

04 May 2020

The warning signs were there before last week’s parliamentary hearings into the insurance industry even started, with committee Chairman Tim Wilson stating falsely that the Hayne royal commission had identified "widespread misconduct" within the industry...

Aid to SMEs: it's not too late for some alternative thinking

06 April 2020

The insurance response to the coronavirus pandemic, which played out over the past week, was supposed to be an industry-wide solution to keep SME businesses insured and engaged. But it ended up being a solution that angered brokers and caused a great deal of debate...