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Regulatory & Government

APRA wants $30 million levy on insurers

11 June 2019

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is seeking $30 million from general insurers via the annual supervisory funding levy, and invites industry to respond by Friday…

APRA urges actuaries to blow whistle

03 June 2019

Actuaries must “have the courage” to speak up when they see signs of non-financial risk, an area where the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has increased its focus…

Albanese changes financial services leader

03 June 2019

NSW MP Stephen Jones has been named Shadow Assistant Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Financial Services in the federal ALP’s shadow cabinet under new Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese…

NZ reveals carbon-busting budget

03 June 2019

New Zealand’s budget introduces new funding to tackle climate change, as the Government targets zero non-agricultural carbon emissions by 2050…

NZ quake tribunal wins green light

03 June 2019

The Canterbury Earthquake Insurance Tribunal is expected to be up and running this month after the enacting egislation passed a final vote in New Zealand’s Parliament last week…

Jane Hume appointed Financial Services Minister

27 May 2019

Victorian Senator Jane Hume has been named as the new Assistant Minister for Financial Services, Superannuation and Financial Technology, with oversight of the general insurance industry…

APRA highlights governance ‘weaknesses’

27 May 2019

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority says it has uncovered “material weaknesses” in governance and management of non-financial risks such as culture and accountability…

Brokers urged to speak out for NSW review

20 May 2019

The National Insurance Brokers Association has called for members to detail their experiences with the NSW workers’ compensation scheme, as a regulatory review examines problems highlighted by businesses…

ASIC commits to punishment through courts

20 May 2019

Financial services providers in breach of the law will face court action under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission’s new enforcement approach…

ASIC urged to put complaints data in context

20 May 2019

The Insurance Council of Australia says it will hear from members before responding to an Australian Securities and Investments Commission consultation on proposed new standards for the handling of customer complaints by financial companies…