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Regulatory & Government

Canberra details disaster resilience projects

02 August 2021

The Federal Government has listed the five projects where it will be investing more than $4.2 million to reduce the risk and impact of natural disasters on Australian communities...

ASIC estimates industry funding levy at $24.7 million

26 July 2021

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission estimates about $24.702 million in total levy will be recovered from the general and life insurance industries to fund the cost of regulating the sectors in the last financial year...

Industry 'struggling' with regulatory reforms

26 July 2021

Many in the insurance industry are “struggling” to implement the raft of regulatory reforms made by the Hayne royal commission in its final report submitted in 2019 to the government, according to Xceedance...

ASIC poses questions on hawking reforms

26 July 2021

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has posed 12 questions for feedback in a consultation paper released with draft regulation guidance for new hawking reforms...

Treasury releases draft add-on regulations

26 July 2021

Treasury has released add-on reform draft regulations for feedback after the Federal Government this month announced a number of insurance product classes that would not fall under the regime...

RBNZ consults on interim insurance solvency standard

26 July 2021

Insurers are “strongly encouraged” to engage with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) as it invites views on an interim Solvency Standard designed to determine minimum amounts of capital cover providers must hold...

Insurers' BI virus problems spark APRA response

19 July 2021

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority will require a number of insurers to review their risk management frameworks following “deficiencies” that led to the use of outdated business interruption policy wordings...

Accountability, compensation scheme draft laws released

19 July 2021

The Federal Government plans to introduce wider ranging conduct laws for financial firm executives into the spring session of Parliament, along with legislation to set up a last resort disputes settlement compensation scheme...

Cyber consultation paper flags mandatory compliance standard

19 July 2021

The  Department of Home Affairs has  released a  cyber security  paper for consultation, seeking feedback on a range of proposed options to strengthen the economy’s defence against ransomware and other digital threats...

NZ Commerce Commission reviews Aon-WTW divestments

19 July 2021

New Zealand’s Commerce Commission is assessing whether undertakings by Aon and Willis Towers Watson resolve its preliminary competition concerns over a planned merger of the brokerages...

ASIC amends statement on brokerage freezing orders

19 July 2021

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has reissued a media release on urgent interim orders obtained in the Federal Court against Alliance Insurance Broking Services and its sole director Renato De Maria...

Complexity, advice issues targeted in law reform feedback

12 July 2021

Feedback to a financial services law reform inquiry has backed simplification of the legal framework and drawn attention to specific problems such as the failure of distinctions between general and personal advice...

SIRA releases CTP scheme review discussion paper

12 July 2021

The NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority is seeking feedback from injured people, organisations and the public on its planned review of the state’s compulsory third party scheme...

NSW sets up online hub to smooth disaster support

12 July 2021

The NSW Government has set up an online hub that includes information from more than 17 state and federal agencies to help communities recovering from bushfires, floods and other natural disasters...