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Regulatory & Government

NIBA ramps up demands to axe state taxes

03 October 2011

The National Insurance Brokers Association has urged state treasurers meeting in Canberra this week to cut premium taxes which in some cases more than double the price of insurance…

WA compo rates rise as age barrier drops

03 October 2011

WA business-owners and contractors face a 1.38% rate rise for workers’ compensation policies following the abolition of age-based limits on claims…

Policy exclusion unclear

03 October 2011

Insurance companies need to take a lead role in ensuring customers understand exactly what they are signing up for, an inquiry has heard…

ASIC defends code exemptions

03 October 2011

The House of Representatives inquiry into the insurance industry’s response to disasters has questioned the reasoning behind insurers being exempted from complying with the industry’s…

NIBA slams Vic Government for FSL tax grab

03 October 2011

The National Insurance Brokers Association has raised doubts about the Victorian Government’s proposed transition arrangements to a property-based fire services levy…

No reinsurance for Queensland

26 September 2011

Despite criticisms of the Queensland Government’s reinsurance arrangements, the Senate committee looking into the matter has ultimately backed Queensland’s claims that sufficient external…

Ombudsman speaks up for insurers

26 September 2011

The Financial Ombudsman Service has defended insurance companies against allegations they have not informed customers of their right to access dispute resolution facilities, and also questioned…

Levy changes condemned as ‘betrayal’

26 September 2011

The Victorian Government has “let down” and “betrayed” voters by loading the Country Fire Authority’s budget with $250 million in capital expenditure before the introduction of a new property-based…

Tasmanian AR banned by ASIC

26 September 2011

A Tasmanian authorised representative has been permanently banned from providing financial services by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission…

APRA shrinks its prudential standards

19 September 2011

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has consolidated its 12 prudential standards for the general and life insurance industries into just four…

ASIC finds advisers thriving on commissions

19 September 2011

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has expressed concern advisers are directing most of their life insurance business into just three providers…

Victoria maps bushfire risk

19 September 2011

The Victorian Government has released maps identifying areas of risk in bushfire-prone areas, which will be used for issuing building permits…

ASIC set for disaster inquiry

19 September 2011

Representatives of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission have a Thursday booking to address the House of Representatives inquiry into the operation of the insurance…