EQC reinsurance expense stabilises
18 November 2013
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has negotiated $NZ3.25 billion ($2.88 billion) of reinsurance at similar rates to last year, CEO Ian Simpson says in the annual report…
18 November 2013
New Zealand’s Earthquake Commission has negotiated $NZ3.25 billion ($2.88 billion) of reinsurance at similar rates to last year, CEO Ian Simpson says in the annual report…
18 November 2013
The Australian Law Reform Commission has called for industry feedback on an issues paper examining the impact federal laws have on disabled people…
18 November 2013
The next Australian Securities and Investments Commission annual forum in March will focus on regulation across borders, enforcement and cybercrime…
11 November 2013
The Insurance Reform Advisory Group has been scrapped under Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s drive to cut bureaucracy…
11 November 2013
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s levy-setting methodology should be reconsidered because it is increasingly collecting levies on behalf of other agencies, according to the Australian National…
11 November 2013
The NSW Government appears to have backed away from banning the payment of insurance commissions to strata managers, but it could legislate to require full disclosure…
11 November 2013
The Abbott Government’s push to reduce regulation will extend to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, according to…
11 November 2013
The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation has forecast weaker commercial property premiums, as the recent growth trend nears an end…
11 November 2013
Psychological injury costs in the Commonwealth public service continue to rise, while the length of time staff stay off work has grown in the past year…
11 November 2013
The Actuaries Institute says some of the International Accounting Standards Board’s proposals for a single insurance contract standard must be reassessed if it is to work for all preparers and users…
04 November 2013
Professional indemnity insurance is failing to fulfil its role of compensating consumers when financial service providers collapse, the Financial Ombudsman Service says…
04 November 2013
The creation of another state-owned insurance company would be unnecessary and ill-conceived, the Insurance Council of New Zealand says…
04 November 2013
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has called for a national exam to improve the training and competence of financial advisers…
04 November 2013
General insurers have been warned about investment risks amid persisting low interest rates, according to the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority…
04 November 2013
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission collected $85.2 million in fines last financial year, down slightly from $85.3 million…
28 October 2013
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has forced Insure 247 – which is an authorised representative of Ausure Insurance Brokers – to change misleading or deceptive advertising on its websites…
28 October 2013
Bernie Ripoll has been appointed Opposition spokesman for Financial Services and Superannuation, bringing experience in the sector to the position…
28 October 2013
The Insurance Council of Australia has called on the Tasmanian Government to scrap its 10% stamp duty on insurance and property and its fire services levies on insurance…
28 October 2013
Carelessness may be to blame for brokers charging Victoria’s fire services levy on policies after its July 1 removal…
28 October 2013
WorkCover Queensland incurred net claims of $1.14 billion last financial year, down 7% due to a lower outstanding claims liability…