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Regulatory & Government

ASIC to consult on general advice orders

15 December 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission will consult on remaking class orders concerning general advice that are due to expire under sunset clauses…

Insurers seek change on claims reporting

15 December 2014

The Insurance Council of Australia has asked the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to change insurers’ obligations for reporting claims development…

ASIC to award Queensland comparator contract

15 December 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has identified a preferred partner to set up a home and contents insurance comparison website for north Queensland…

ASIC reveals forum details

15 December 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission will host next year’s annual forum in Sydney on March 23-24…

Law report backs damages-based billing

08 December 2014

The Productivity Commission says restrictions on lawyers offering claimants damages-based billing should be removed, to promote access to justice…

APRA turns attention to ‘soft stuff’

08 December 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is paying increased attention to institutions’ culture and values, according to Deputy Chairman Ian Laughlin…

APRA finalises risk management standard

08 December 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has issued an amended prudential standard on risk management, but has rejected many of the industry’s concerns about responsibility falling onto boards…

WA set to move to no-fault CTP

08 December 2014

The WA Government looks likely to introduce a no-fault compulsory third party scheme for people catastrophically injured in motor accidents…

Insurers expect higher injury awards under new NZ law

08 December 2014

Changes to personal injury laws may produce higher payouts and require changes to vehicle insurance and public liability policies, according to the Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand…

APRA issues prudential standards

01 December 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has released five final prudential standards that will apply to the general insurance industry from January 1…