Budget boosts north Australia taskforce
18 May 2015
The Federal Government will allocate $2.1 million over two years to the Northern Australia Insurance Premiums Taskforce…
18 May 2015
The Federal Government will allocate $2.1 million over two years to the Northern Australia Insurance Premiums Taskforce…
18 May 2015
Commonwealth public service managers believe some employees consider the Comcare workers’ compensation scheme a “soft touch”, a Senate inquiry has been told…
18 May 2015
The New Zealand Government says it will “better target” building regulations in earthquake-prone areas…
18 May 2015
New Zealand’s Accident Compensation Corporation is on target to deliver levy cuts worth $NZ500 million ($463 million) from next year…
18 May 2015
Insurance premiums in New Zealand face “downward pressure” amid low interest rates worldwide, according to a new report…
11 May 2015
Former Treasury executive director Mike Callaghan has been made head of the Northern Australia Insurance Premiums Taskforce, to examine setting up a cyclone mutual or reinsurance pool…
11 May 2015
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission has cancelled the licences of two insurance brokers for failing to lodge audited annual statements…
11 May 2015
The SA Government will establish an industry regulator to ensure premiums remain reasonable when it privatises the compulsory third party motor market…
11 May 2015
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission is developing a regulatory guide on review and remediation programs in the financial advice industry…
11 May 2015
The Victorian Government has budgeted for reduced insurance tax revenue growth in 2015/16, due to pressure on rates…
04 May 2015
The Federal Government should give less money to states and territories following disasters and provide more funding for mitigation, the Productivity Commission says…
04 May 2015
The National Insurance Brokers Association says a proposed new education framework for financial advisers should not apply to its members…
04 May 2015
The NT Government has allocated $57.5 million of the $410.9 million it made selling the Territory Insurance Office for flood mitigation projects…
04 May 2015
Capital requirements are not constraining insurers and banks’ capacity to compete, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Chairman Wayne Byres says…
04 May 2015
Some 20,000 customers have been refunded more than $1.4 million by Allianz Australia Insurance and Allianz Australia Life Insurance for two breaches of financial services law in 2013…
04 May 2015
The Australian Council of Trade Unions wants tougher penalties to hold company bosses accountable for workplace deaths…
04 May 2015
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has clarified its rules on aggregate reinsurance and how it will be used when calculating companies’ capital requirements…
04 May 2015
Insurers may be required to hold more capital under new risk-based rules from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, according to KPMG…
27 April 2015
The Federal Government has introduced a new regulation concerning disclosure statements in insurance contracts…
27 April 2015
A proposed no-fault compulsory third party scheme for WA will be approved, according to reports citing leaked budget papers…