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Labor moves to reverse ‘unfair’ Queensland workers’ comp rules

The Queensland Government has introduced new legislation to soften its workers’ compensation laws.

The Labor government says the bill will wind back “harsh and unfair” changes to WorkCover by former Liberal National Party (LNP) premier Campbell Newman.

“This bill will restore fairness and balance to Queensland’s workers’ compensation scheme that was lost under the LNP,” Treasurer and Industrial Relations Minister Curtis Pitt said.

“The LNP trampled over workers with their unfair changes to workers’ compensation.”

If passed, the bill will remove the requirement for people to suffer more than 5% permanent impairment to seek damages under common law.

The change would be effective from January 15, when the Queensland election was held.

Extra compensation will be available for workers affected by the common law threshold between October 15 2013 and January 31 this year.

The bill also introduces provisions for firefighters diagnosed with one of 12 diseases deemed work-related. And it removes employers’ entitlement to obtain job applicants’ compensation claims histories from WorkCover Queensland.

“These claim history summaries can affect a worker’s privacy and their future career prospects,” Mr Pitt said.