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Fels queries Suncorp premium rise

12 June 2018

The NSW Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor says it is investigating the basis for a jump in Suncorp’s home insurance premiums…

Insurers urged to harness power of AI now

12 June 2018

Australian insurers must act now to seize the opportunities offered by artificial intelligence, which is likely to transform the business world as profoundly as any past innovation, Accenture says…

In Insurance News (the magazine) this month

12 June 2018

James Shipton, the new Chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, says financial services – which includes general insurance – has lost its way by focusing solely on profit and must now learn to “do the right thing”…

NZ science chief blows away meth residue fears

04 June 2018

The New Zealand Government’s science adviser has found no evidence that residue from home methamphetamine smoking will harm future residents, paving the way for a review of clean-up rules…

Bushfire power lines ‘not up to standard’

04 June 2018

An energy regulator’s report on the Terang bushfire in Victoria has concluded powerlines owned by utility company Powercor did not meet Australian “clearance standards”…

Industry records sharp rise in profit

28 May 2018

General insurers and reinsurers recorded a 42.3% rise in after-tax net profit to $3.7 billion in the year to March, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority data shows…