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Cyber insurance cost set to go up: Axa XL

14 December 2020

Businesses can expect cyber insurance to become more costly as insurers respond to “unsustainable losses” and regulators seek to hold companies accountable for breaches, according to Axa XL...

ANZ credit insurance customers informed of class action

07 December 2020

More than 440,000 customers have been notified by the Federal Court they may be eligible to join a consumer credit insurance class action against ANZ in which QBE is named as one of the respondents...

Actuaries call for government action on affordability issues

30 November 2020

The Actuaries Institute says “temporary and targeted government intervention” is needed to help manage the issue of insurance affordability, with households in up to 12% of Australian postcode areas facing pressure in meeting annual premiums...

BI claims certainty ‘some time’ away: AM Best

30 November 2020

Clarity over business interruption claim impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to be “some time off” as legal battles continue over wordings and other considerations, AM Best says...

Insurance News launches podcast service

30 November 2020

Detailed discussion of the NSW Court of Appeal ruling on the COVID-19 business interruption test case is featured in the first edition of INsight, the new Insurance News podcast...

Natural disasters? No worries, say Kiwi SMEs

30 November 2020

Small businesses in New Zealand are more concerned about cyber attacks, managing cashflow and retaining staff than natural disasters, even after a decade of destructive earthquakes and floods...

Sustainability Roadmap seeks to cut emissions

30 November 2020

A “roadmap” developed by the Australian Sustainable Finance Initiative has called on members to facilitate a transition to net-zero emissions by 2050 and to take steps to boost resilience...

Victoria, Queensland join cladding class actions

30 November 2020

Litigation funder Omni Bridgeway says the Victorian and Queensland governments have given their consent to join two separate cladding class actions it is pursuing in the Federal Court...

ICA considers next legal steps on BI pandemic cover

23 November 2020

The Insurance Council of Australia is considering legal action on two fronts following the NSW Court of Appeal test case decision last week that found in favour of policyholders on business interruption pandemic exclusions...