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Steadfast tool rates risk from storm surge, flood zones

Australians can assess the risk their individual property faces from storm surge, tsunami or floods using a new online assessment tool provided free of charge by Steadfast Group which helps to calculate individual insurance needs.

The Steadfast Coastal and River Flood Risk Tracker’s data is collected from satellite imagery, flood mapping, climate change data, catastrophic event impacts and population density.

Individual addresses across the nation are given a rating of low, moderate, high or very high risk. The likelihood of being affected by river flood zones is also assessed and given a “risk grade” indicating how often an address is likely to experience a river flood event, ranging from once in every 20 years to less than once every 500 years.

“We provide you with this information so you can discuss it with your insurance adviser,” the online service, which does not assess flooding from dams or flash floods, says.

The underlying data is updated regularly, feeding though to current results.

Australians need to remain vigilant when severe weather is forecast and understand the simple steps they can take to help prepare for flooding, Steadfast MD and CEO Robert Kelly says.

“If you find your home or business premises is in a potential flood risk zone, it’s important to talk to your insurance adviser to ensure you are adequately covered,” Mr Kelly said.

The tool can be accessed here.