26 July 2021
Insurance customers in New Zealand’s Canterbury region have so far lodged 3538 claims worth $NZ43.8 million following floods during May 29-June 1, the Insurance Council of New Zealand says...
26 July 2021
Early versions of two articles in last Monday’s insuranceNEWS.com.au bulletin contained inaccuracies...
26 July 2021
A range of support measures such as temporary premium relief plans is in place to support customers through the latest COVID lockdowns, major insurers say...
19 July 2021
Property and casualty premium in Australia is projected to increase 4.7% in real terms this year, as the market bounces back strongly from the 1.4% growth it recorded last year, Swiss Re says...
19 July 2021
Business interruption court decisions in the UK and South Africa related to the COVID-19 pandemic point to uphill battles for Australian insurers in their second test case, legal firm HFW has highlighted...
19 July 2021
Australia’s leaders need to adopt stringent carbon dioxide emission reduction targets as part of its long-term adaptation to longer and more severe bushfire seasons, Zurich says...
19 July 2021
The Insurance Council of New Zealand says the recovery process after severe South Island flooding on the weekend may take some time, as assessors wait for affected areas to become accessible...
19 July 2021
WA Arson Squad detectives have charged a 40-year-old man in relation to bushfires near Perth earlier this year that were declared an insurance catastrophe...
12 July 2021
The Federal Court will hear the Insurance Council of Australia second test case on business interruption cover, along with a related QBE matter, in a hearing scheduled for August 30 to September 8...
12 July 2021
The Financial Rights Legal Centre has released a report highlighting a list of insurance issues faced by consumers who were affected by extreme weather events in the 18-month period to April...
12 July 2021
Former Association of Financial Advisers CEO Philip Kewin has been appointed to the top executive role at the National Insurance Brokers Association...
12 July 2021
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has raised the alarm over so-called remote access scams, in which consumers are duped into installing computer software, giving fraudsters access to their devices...
12 July 2021
Consumer advocacy group the Financial Rights Legal Centre says the operating hours of its Insurance Law Service may have to be reduced because of a lack of funding...
12 July 2021
A negative Indian Ocean Dipole, one of the drivers of wetter weather in parts of Australia, is set to form this year potentially increasing the risk of floods and thunderstorms while also having implications for the bushfire season...
05 July 2021
Australian mid-year reinsurance property renewals have seen rate increases of 10-25% where catastrophe losses have been experienced, while the global market seems to be moving towards an equilibrium on terms and conditions, Willis Re says...
05 July 2021
The general insurance industry’s revamped code of practice came into effect last week, with subscribers facing harsher sanctions including penalties of up to $100,000 if they commit significant breaches...
05 July 2021
Plaintiff law firm Gordon Legal has filed two class actions over business interruption claims declined by QBE and Lloyd’s, and says it is investigating actions against other insurers as well...
05 July 2021
The Insurance Council of Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of a professional indemnity scheme for healthcare practitioners administering COVID-19 vaccines...
05 July 2021
A major power station loss in Australia and another incident in the US are likely to wipe out what was expected to be an improved annual loss record in the international power market, Willis Towers Watson says...
05 July 2021
Insurers have outlined motor premium rises of up to 6% as COVID-wary commuters shun public transport...