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Suncorp flood rebuilding grants open until mid-September

23 August 2021

Suncorp is funding a $200,000 round of grants for communities in NSW and South-East Queensland impacted by severe flooding in March as part of a $1 million initiative to encourage remote, rural and regional communities in Australia to rebuild more resiliently in preparation for future disasters...

Post-COVID 'a long way off'

16 August 2021

The insurance industry may have to reassess its COVID adjustment plans as it is increasingly apparent the coronavirus pandemic is a “completely different ballgame” from past communicable disease outbreaks, according to the Actuaries Institute...

In Insurance News magazine this month

16 August 2021

Once a minnow in the field, local insurer Hollard has turbo-charged its GWP after pulling off the daring acquisition of Commonwealth Bank’s insurance business. The cover story in the latest edition of Insurance News magazine features the company’s founder Richard Enthoven, who talks about how the deal came about and how Hollard will leverage its new business to foster growth...

Auckland’s June tornado is costliest on record

16 August 2021

Insurers have covered insured losses of $NZ32 million so far for a tornado that tore through the south Auckland suburb of Papatoetoe on June 19, the Insurance Council of New Zealand says...

Suncorp builds back better in stronger homes drive

16 August 2021

Brisbane-based insurer Suncorp is encouraging Queensland customers to “build back better” after releasing information on household claims it has dealt with over the past five years...

ICA considers The Star BI court decision implications

09 August 2021

The Insurance Council of Australia is considering the implications of a Federal Court decision that found a policy held by The Star Entertainment Group did not provide business interruption cover for COVID-19 restrictions...

Funding hole halves free insurance law helpline hours

09 August 2021

The Financial Rights Legal Centre says it has been forced to cut its Insurance Law Service in half and consumers are losing access to Australia’s only free insurance legal advice helpline due to insufficient funding...

Australia commercial rates growth weakens in Q2

02 August 2021

Commercial insurance pricing in the Australia-led Pacific market grew 23.2% in the June quarter, weaker than the 29.4% rise seen in the preceding quarter, according to Marsh’s latest price tracking index...

AFCA acts on 'gaming' of system after feedback

02 August 2021

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority has spent three months trialling a new procedure of more quickly declining some complaints that lack merit, where it found compelling reasons...

Insurers, banks set for parliamentary committee scrutiny

26 July 2021

The Federal Parliament Trade and Investment Growth Committee has called for insurance and banking representatives to appear at a hearing tomorrow as it continues an inquiry into the prudential regulation of investment in Australia’s export industries...