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Still a long path ahead for insurance, says Wilkins

18 November 2003

Although the insurance industry is showing positive signs of returning to profit, the Insurance Council of Australia still has a massive job ahead of it managing the industry’s tarnished image…

IDRO warns of harsh summer

18 November 2003

Last week we reported a British research unit’s prediction that the impending summer will see a reduced number of cyclones…

Knott speaks on retirement

18 November 2003

After announcing his retirement from the public sector months ago, ASIC Chairman David Knott has finally spoken out about his sudden decision to quit and his plans…

Government acts on billion-dollar ID problem

18 November 2003

The Federal Government is moving against the rising incidence of identity fraud, with Justice Minister Chris Ellison announcing a range of initiatives last week…

Mulcahy moves on to ICA board

18 November 2003

Suncorp CEO John Mulcahy has been elected to the Insurance Council of Australia’s board of directors, replacing John Trowbridge, who recently resigned from running the Brisbane-based…

Parliamentarians call for FSL to go

11 November 2003

“A Nation Charred”, the House of Representatives Select Committees’ dramatically titled report into last summers’ devastating bushfires, has weighed into the debate…

UMP revival an Australian first

11 November 2003

Troubled medical insurer United Medical Protection has become the first company in Australian corporate history to be given a clean bill of health and released…

Don’t relax about complaints: IEC chief

11 November 2003

Insurance Enquiries and Complaints Ltd may be a world-leading alternative dispute resolution scheme, but CEO Sam Parrino says that’s no reason for the industry…

AILA celebrates its 20th year

11 November 2003

The Australian Insurance Law Association celebrates its 20th anniversary tomorrow with a special dinner in Sydney…

Brokers pursue FSG issue

04 November 2003

Ross Cameron, the new Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, has undertaken to take a look at the recently altered Financial Services Guide regulations…

IAG set to step back into builders’ warranty

04 November 2003

IAG is getting ready to step back into the turgid waters of builders’ warranty insurance in NSW, with Group Executive Intermediary Business Bob Wagstaffe last week praising…

Other asbestos disease causes smoked out

04 November 2003

Some Australian insurers are trying to take some of the financial sting they’ve experienced as a result of the asbestos claims crisis by suing tobacco companies…

Mixed blessings for MacKenzie

04 November 2003

Victoria’s statutory classes chief, James MacKenzie, has had a mixed bag of results to reveal over the past week…

Helping find the right broker

04 November 2003

Deloitte has launched a new tender management service to help organisations select an appropriate insurance broker to meet their specific risk management needs…

Bid to tackle $84 million car theft industry

04 November 2003

Western Australia has joined in the national effort to combat the car theft industry by introducing new laws to control the re-birthing of written-off vehicles…

FSRA – are there any advantages?

28 October 2003

The insurance industry is beginning to express real doubts that the FSRA will bring sufficient advantages to consumers…

Brokers – tomorrow’s financial planners?

28 October 2003

General insurance brokers are already doing about 80% of the work they’d need to be doing to offer additional services like financial planning, says leading commentator Tom Collins…

Look beyond ‘general’, says Squire

28 October 2003

David Squire, NIBA board member and the National Regulatory Policy Manager of the Wealth Management Division of the National Australia Bank, says brokers should look…

Hopes and worries in workers’ comp report

28 October 2003

The Productivity Commission has released its eagerly awaited interim report on a national framework for Australia’s splintered workers’ compensation and occupational health…