More underwriting discipline needed, says Swiss Re
20 August 2012
The insurance market needs more underwriting discipline to offset the effects of low interest rates, according to Swiss Re Chief Economist Kurt Karl…
20 August 2012
The insurance market needs more underwriting discipline to offset the effects of low interest rates, according to Swiss Re Chief Economist Kurt Karl…
20 August 2012
Aon Risk Solutions has made two key appointments as it moves to replace senior managers who have left the company for rival brokerages…
20 August 2012
QBE has reduced the fire services levy applied to Victorian country and metropolitan policies just three months after increasing it by 10 percentage point…
20 August 2012
Ace Insurance will appeal against a Federal Court judgement awarding five former agents holiday pay…
20 August 2012
The Victorian Government must act fast to provide adequate court space for a class action related to the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires, which is likely to be the largest of its type, according to lawyers…
20 August 2012
The considerable gap between customer expectations and what private insurers and government agencies can deliver is a major concern, the head of Vero’s earthquake response has told…
20 August 2012
Floods at Yallourn power station in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley in June may cost owner TRUenergy $128.75 million, with the company still considering its options on insurance claims…
20 August 2012
Allan Manning runs a highly successful insurance services company…
13 August 2012
The Lloyd’s Market Association has warned syndicates writing Australian property business they face losses if they don’t correctly calculate their obligations for fire services levies in Victoria and NSW…
13 August 2012
Power distribution company SP AusNet, the subject of two class actions over Victoria’s Black Saturday bushfires in 2009, says it may not have enough insurance cover to pay out all damages if the actions…
13 August 2012
Ace Insurance has been ordered to pay $10,000 and substantial compensation to five former agents after the Federal Court ruled they were employees rather than independent contractors…
13 August 2012
El Nino conditions will impact Australia’s east in late winter or spring, according to the Bureau of Meteorology…
13 August 2012
The financial services industry, including insurance, spent the most on information and communications technology last year, at $9.6 billion – nearly 22% of the entire ICT spend in Australia…
13 August 2012
An appeal of the groundbreaking Bridgecorp judgement on directors’ and officers’ cover will start in the New Zealand Court of Appeal next month…
13 August 2012
New Zealand insurers have received no claims for damage from the first eruption of the Mt Tongariro volcano in 115 years, says the Insurance Council of New Zealand…
06 August 2012
TRUenergy, owners of the Yallourn power station in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, may seek compensation from the State Government for damage caused in June when the Morwell River burst its banks and…
06 August 2012
The insurance industry has so far paid $NZ4.4 billion ($3.4 billion) in Christchurch earthquake claims, of which $NZ1.3 billion ($1 billion) relates to residential damage…
06 August 2012
Queensland councils have questioned whether they must abide by recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry…
06 August 2012
Underinsurance, complex claims and loss adjusters’ lack of resources are the key challenges for loss adjusters dealing with last year’s devastating Thai floods, according to Australasian Institute of…
06 August 2012
The rebuilding of the Christchurch CBD will respect property rights but does require sensible solutions to restore the city, according to Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee…