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Court approves bushfire settlement

Settlement terms for a class action following the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires at Pomborneit in western Victoria have been approved by Justice David Beach in the state’s Supreme Court, paving the way for about 30 people to receive compensation likely to total about $10 million.

The action, run by Maddens Lawyers in Warrnambool for lead claimant Terry Place, was against electricity distributor Powercor and was heard by Justice Jack Forrest.

Unusually for such actions, the judge ruled that Powercor was 100% liable for the damage.

Rather than wait for the judge to hand down a full ruling on how losses would be assessed, the parties negotiated a settlement.

“Justice Beach then considered the settlement and approved it,” Maddens Commercial Litigation Partner Brendan Pendergast told

Mr Pendergast says about 25 people have signed up for the action, and the figure may reach about 30.

“People have the opportunity to sign up until the end of April,” he said. Maddens has settled three other class actions for bushfires at Beechworth, Coleraine and Horsham.

Justice Forrest will preside over the Kilmore East and Kinglake fires class action due to start next month.