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Motor vehicle clients happier, survey shows

07 November 2016

About 82% of clients are satisfied with their vehicle insurers, but Roy Morgan Research’s latest survey finds some major insurers well behind in the rankings…

Geoscientists develop terrorism blast model

07 November 2016

The Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation can now estimate the financial impact of terrorist bomb blasts in several cities thanks to new modelling from Geoscience Australia…

Bushfire, coastal risks rising as climate shifts: report

31 October 2016

More fire danger days in southern and eastern Australia will occur as temperatures rise, while swollen seas are adding to coastal area risks, according to the latest CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology State of the Climate report…

Compliant buildings ‘still at risk’

31 October 2016

Many homes supposedly built to withstand bushfires are highly likely to burn to the ground due to non-compliant modifications by property owners, a seminar has heard…

More small businesses consider cyber cover

31 October 2016

Nearly 20% of Australian small businesses plan to buy cyber insurance next year, up from 14% with the cover now, according to technology company Symantec…


31 October 2016

Insurance News has completed its first subscriber survey, with the data and insights collected providing valuable information that will help us further develop our print and online services…