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Life Insurance

HESTA clarifies pandemic exclusion status

23 March 2020

HESTA has confirmed today that AIA Australia, the underwriter of the super fund’s life insurance covers, will not invoke the pandemic exclusion that comes with the policies...

Income protection tops AFCA life complaints

16 March 2020

Income protection products drew the most complaints about a life insurance product in the second half of last year, Australian Financial Complaints Authority data shows...

M&A activity dries up after foreign buying spree

16 March 2020

Merger and acquisition opportunities in life insurance remain limited after many years of strong activity, with the sector now largely foreign-owned and the top three insurers controlling more than half of net policy revenue, Deloitte says...

Overly complex reforms 'won't help consumers'

09 March 2020

Overly complex reforms don’t help consumers and only make financial advice more expensive and difficult to access, the Financial Planning Association has warned...