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Life Insurance

Top 250 planners control life insurance growth

17 August 2009

Life insurance sales are definitely on the increase, but it is the top 250 advisers that are controlling the boost, according to Axa GM Financial Protection Michael Rogers…

Buoyant life business confirmed

10 August 2009

Business is booming for life insurers, according to a new report that reveals a 25% surge in sales in the year to March…

Aviva pumps up the bottom line

10 August 2009

British insurance giant Aviva has reported a dramatic increase in its first-half net profit, with recent cost-cutting measures flowing through to the bottom line…

Axa investment earnings back in black

10 August 2009

Axa Asia Pacific has recorded a 187% increase in first-half net income of $270.4 million as it reversed last year’s heavy investment losses…

Life underinsurance campaign gains momentum

10 August 2009

A life insurance industry initiative to tackle underinsurance continues to gain traction with the Financial Planning Association signing on as an official supporter…

Storm bosses to face the music

03 August 2009

The liquidators of failed investment firm Storm Financial will call more than 40 witnesses to give evidence after being given the go-ahead to hold a public inquiry into the collapse…

Keep brokers out of inquiry: NIBA

03 August 2009

The National Insurance Brokers Association has urged the Federal Government to leave the insurance broking sector out of its proposed changes to managed investments…

Outstanding planners to be recognised

03 August 2009

In what has been a tough year for planners, the Financial Planning Association is concentrating on the positives by calling for nominations for two awards…

ICA calls for financial planning compensation fund

27 July 2009

The Insurance Council of Australia has weighed into the financial planners debate, calling on the Federal Government to establish a compensation fund to help clients who have received poor advice…

IBANZ chief to help shape adviser code

27 July 2009

Insurance Brokers Association of New Zealand CEO Gary Young is among 10 professionals appointed to develop competency standards for NZ financial advisers – even though brokers…

IFSA names John Brogden as new CEO

20 July 2009

Former NSW Liberal Party Opposition leader John Brogden is the new face of the Investment and Financial Services Association following his appointment as CEO last week…

Life gap more prevalent among women

20 July 2009

A large part of the life underinsurance problem stems from working women who undervalue their financial contribution to the family, according to a report by financial planners the Sherlock Group…

AMP rules out Suncorp division acquisition

13 July 2009

AMP is looking for acquisitions, but it probably won’t be bidding for Suncorp’s life insurance and wealth management assets, according to CEO Craig Dunn…

PI insurance may cover Westpoint losses

13 July 2009

Investors in failed Westpoint developments may recover their losses from professional indemnity insurance after the NSW Supreme Court of Appeal rejected a challenge from QBE Australia…

Planners condemn decision on super fund advice

13 July 2009

They’ve taken a hammering over conflicts of interest and dodgy commission deals, and now financial planners are fighting a rearguard action against a Federal Government decision to allow superannuation trustees…

Wanted: an insurance ombudsman

13 July 2009

The Financial Ombudsman Service is advertising nationally for a new general insurance ombudsman to fill the position left vacant by the sudden resignation of Sam Parrino in April…

Life insurers turn $1.4 billion profit

06 July 2009

Australian life insurers made a $1.421 billion net profit in the year to March 31, according to the latest figures from the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority...